
We recognise the importance of service and set ourselves high standards. Should there be an occasion when we do not meet your expectations, we are equally committed to dealing with any complaint in a thorough and professional manner.

What will we consider as a complaint?

We consider a complaint to be any oral or written notification of dissatisfaction about a service we have provided, offered or withheld.

Who can make a complaint?

A complaint can be made by any client, or potential client, to whom we have provided a service, or by a representative acting lawfully on their behalf.

How can you make a complaint?

You can make a complaint by contacting us by any of the following means:

• In writing addressed to School Website Design Agency, 5 STangate House, Stanwell Road, Penarth CF64 2AA

• By e-mail addressed to [email protected]

• By telephone on 02920 100985

Acknowledging your complaint

We will acknowledge your complaint within 1 working day of receipt in our offices. If you have made your complaint to us orally, we will confirm to you our understanding of this and ask you to advise us if you do not agree.

Investigating your complaint

Your complaint will be investigated by a senior officer of the company who is not directly or indirectly the subject matter of the complaint.

In order to reach a fair conclusion, we will review the relevant information available to us, which will include all records on our files along with a report from the individual to whom the complaint relates.

We will endeavour to complete our investigation and reach a conclusion as soon as is possible. The length of time this will take will be determined by the complexity of the complaint and the extent of the investigation required. In any event we will report to you on progress as outlined below:

Within 1 week from the date of receiving your complaint - if we have been unable to complete our investigation and issue a final response letter to you we will write to you and explain why we are not yet in a position to resolve the complaint and indicate when we will be making further contact.

By the end of 2 weeks from the date of receiving your complaint – if we have been unable to complete our investigation and issue a final response letter to you we will write explaining why we are still not in a position to make a final response, giving reasons for the further delay indicating when we expect to be able to make a final response.

If you are an eligible complainant for the purposes of the Financial Ombudsman Service we will also inform you that you may at this stage refer the complaint to the Financial Ombudsman Service (FOS) if you are dissatisfied with the delay and provide you with a copy of the FOS’s explanatory leaflet.

Providing our final response letter

Once we have completed our investigation, we will write to you setting out the results of this and explain our conclusion.

If having received our final response you do not agree with some or all of our conclusions then you may contact us further, by any of the means described above, in order that we can review our investigation in light of your further comments.

If you remain dissatisfied with our response and you an eligible complaint as described above you may refer your complaint to the FOS, details of which will be provided to you.

The FOS will review our investigation and the response you have received, providing you with an independent assessment of your complaint.



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